Echo Laser Treatment Thyroid Nodules

What is Elesta Echo Laser?

Elesta Echo Laser is a micro-invasive ultrasound-guided treatment that uses the heat generated by a laser source to destroy portions of nodular tissue, causing a progressive reduction in the thyroid nodule volume and subsequent disappearance of the compressive symptoms and aesthetic issues on the neck. Thanks to micro-invasive access with optical fibers inserted into extremely thin needles, Elesta Echo Laser destroys the neoplastic tissue, thus avoiding the trauma caused by open surgery, with evident advantages, such as no or much less post-op pain, no or very brief hospitalization, and an almost immediate return to social life.

Elesta Echo Laser applications:

  • Treatment of single or multiple benign solid thyroid nodules with a volume capable of causing cosmetic damage or local compression symptoms
  • Treatment of thyroid slow progression malignant tumors or indeterminate lesions for which doctor’s therapeutic choice can involve active surveillance or watchful waiting
  • Treatment of neck metastatic lymph nodes

Advantages of Elesta Echo Laser

  • It significantly reduces the compressive and cosmetic symptoms
  • It has a short duration (about 30 minutes – including preparation of the patient)
  • It is an outpatient procedure
  • It uses very fine, painless and minimally invasive needles causing no damage
  • It does not require local or general anaesthesia
  • It does not require life-long drug therapy, as is the case of surgical removal

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Aramed Elesta echo laser treatment thyroid nodules bph treatments